Ideation - Facilitating workshops with stakeholders
To proceed with the process, I organised and led an ideation workshop involving 4 CSC (Customer Success Managers), 1 engineer, and my PM. The objective of the workshop was to brainstorm and explore ways to leverage the identified opportunities and provide solutions.
The session began by requesting each stakeholder to document the pain points and potential benefits of the current onboarding process on Miro, an online collaborative platform. Each stakeholder was given a few minutes to share their thoughts and insights.

Onboarding workshop: Participant document and talk about pain points in the process
After documenting the pain points raised in the session, I proceeded to cluster them based on common themes. From these clusters, I formulated "How Might Wes" (HMWs), which are statements that frame potential solutions to address the identified pains.Next, I conducted a voting round to prioritize the HMWs. The stakeholders participated in the voting process, and we collectively selected the top two HMWs to focus our ideation efforts on.
I facilitated the next round, which involved all participants documenting their HMW responses on Miro and discussing them for a few minutes. Once everyone had the opportunity to share their ideas, I proceeded to cluster these ideas into themes.After clustering the ideas, we conducted a vote to determine the top choices. The team reached a consensus on the three ideas that received the highest number of votes, and it was agreed upon that these ideas would be the focus of our collective work.

Onboarding workshop: How Might We (HMW)
After the session, my PM, engineer, and I proceeded to categorize each idea on an impact and effort quadrant. This categorization helped us determine which idea to prioritize and work on first.

Onboarding workshop: Ideas/Opportunity cluster